Our chapter welcomes new members to help fight for women’s rights on the local and national level.
discrimination and harassment in the workplace, schools, the justice system, and all other sectors of society; secure abortion, birth control and reproductive justice for all women; end all forms of violence against women; eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia; and promote equality and justice in our society.
The National Organization for Women is made up of students, business owners, technical professionals, stay-at-home parents, grandparents… All kinds of folks. (Yes, even men!) We celebrate diversity and welcome everyone who is passionate about gender equality and wants to work with us to achieve it. Together we make up one of over 500 chapters of grassroots feminist activists working together and fighting for justice in their local communities.
National Organization for Women has been leading the feminist movement since our founding in 1966! We TAKE ACTION to promote feminist ideals, lead societal change, eliminate discrimination, and achieve equal rights for all women and girls.
As the largest grassroots feminist organization in the United States, NOW is dedicated to a multi-issue approach to women’s rights. NOW has hundreds of chapters and hundreds of thousands of members in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia.
NOW is the time to get involved and join us!


Ending Violence Against Women
NOW was the first national organization to endorse legal abortion in 1967. We support affordable birth control, safe and legal abortion, repealing the Hyde Amendment, challenge fake clinics that masquerade as real medical care, and call for a reduction of unacceptably high maternal mortality rates. Abortion is on the Ballot, EVERY TIME.
No more violence! NOW demands justice for sexual assault, trafficking, and domestic violence survivors. We call for an end to the crimminalization of trauma (jailing abuse victims).

Economic Justice

Racial Justice
Become a NOW member! By joining locally, a higher percentage of your donation will stay LOCAL to fund actions and activities throughout Texas. We live in a state especially combative to women’s rights. Every penny counts!
As a NOW Texas member, you will receive a membership card from national NOW and enjoy voting rights at the annual national conference in addition to voting rights at your local meetings.
EQUAL PAY for equal work! Paid leave policies are critical to women fully participating in the economy. Brave survivors of workforce harassment deserve justice, not retaliation. Learn more about our economic issues at Black Friday Protest.

LGBTQ+ Rights
Love is love! We vehemently oppose discrimination based on who you love or your gender assigned at birth. Trans women are women. Policies that put LGBTQ+ youth at greater risk for homelessness and violence need be addressed.
NOW condemns the institutional racism that causes a double burden of both gender and racial discrimination for women of color. A civil rights leader since 1966, NOW fights for equal rights for women of color in all areas including housing, employment, education, voting rights, and healthcare

Constitutional Equality
The time for the ERA is NOW. Without a guarantee of constitutional equality, women will continue to fight constant battles against institutional misogyny. As Congress continues to weaken women’s rights, we MUST guarantee women’s constitutional equality.